Original, non-hacked song about spending too much time on the internet with the dancing girls and other job seeking distractions as explained in my personal

şukela impression about this browser is fine, the fourth version of Firefox still has a quality experience. If you are using this browser, now with a Linux distribution, performance, albeit a bit of a trick he has to increase;
-As you know, hardware acceleration under Linux does not work full efficiency, so that the content rendering xrender i used to (all the way since Firefox 3.0), rendering layer for the Windows environment, i Direct3D, OpenGL on Linux environment (linux, of course, no Direct3D) used . xrender fathers working as developers using OpenGL for good acceleration layer, the lack of video card drivers linux / bad yazılmışlığından been faced with an environment unstable. Linux version of Firefox 4 fame so turned on by default 'content acceleration, while coming off as a default compositing acceleration.
-Now the situation is that the relatively new nvidia cards that support DirectX 9 and over with the nvidia closed-source nvidia driver, published by the vast majority of users actually compositing acceleration works just fine, because as you know, the nvidia drivers and Intel's linux drivers ati ECE also written much better. nvidia users, so whether this feature is activated, hardware acceleration is possible to use more effectively.
-For that we need to do, the browser address bar "about: config" and then, setting "layers.acceleration.force-enabled" i find this value to "false" to "true" or turn the browser enough to start from scratch.
- "Or does it work that help me?" canlandıysa a question in your mind that (which is quite normal), before performing this operation, then after doing this operation on a hardware acceleration test you do, the obvious difference in fps You can see (for example, before I was 1-2 fps, 14-15 fps after the procedure to the output, of course, still far below the value of taki windows, linux, drivers also need to go to the show site)

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