Ask to save tabs on Firefox 4! Firefox 4 is a little hint!

4 When you close Firefox, tabs now sorulmayabiliyor not register and you do not want to save. Restore it with a small fine-tuning is very easy.

Firefox, by default every time you open your browser home page brings the screen. However, when you quit the browser tabs for the next entry is not offer to save now. Firefox Preferences 'tabs and windows are to the last session' option, of course, possible to use, as well as in the previous version, but if you want to appear in a question box, address bar, type about: config. browser.showQuitWarning I find through the search box. Double click and change the value to true, you have found the item.

If you open your page or a blank page in Firefox's input, the browser will be asked whether you want to save all the tabs when you quit.

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